If you sleep on your side and have lower back pain, we have some mattress options to help make life a little easier. What’s the best mattress for back pain relief? This is frequently asked since so many people are suffering with chronic back pain issues. Your mattress may be one of the easiest things you can change if you are having chronic back pain. Our daily lives are so often spent on the go and back pain is something a huge portion of the population suffers with on a frequent basis. As debilitating as back pain can be, solutions can be a dime a dozen. As a personal sufferer of back pain, one of the most helpful things I did was purchase a new mattress and pillows that are high quality. After constant trips to the chiropractor that add up quickly, the change in sleep environment definitely was cheaper and a long term solution.
When you suffer from neck and back pain like I do, I have found out the hard way what types of mattresses and pillows work best for me. While this takes some time and energy, you can definitely save yourself the time and money by remembering these tips below when choosing the best mattress for back pain.
1. Understand the materials that make up your mattress. The inside of your mattress will make the difference in wear and comfort. You have to understand what your mattress is made from if you want to understand how your body will react. Mattress thickness, number of coils, and mattress padding all play major roles in the level of comfort.
2. Find a mattress that has back support. A quality mattress will provide support for the natural curves and alignment of the spine. Accurate back support also helps avoid muscle soreness in the morning. I prefer a firm mattress with a quality pillow of similar consistency. From my research, back pain sufferers overall prefer a medium-firm sleep experience.
3. If you have any signs of wear and tear on your current mattress, don’t wait around to upgrade to a new one. As a mattress ages, it will definitely start showing wear. You need to upgrade as soon as you can at this point. Mattresses only get worse.
If you sleep on your side, you most likely are causing your lower back pain. Poor mattress support and firm mattresses are probably not working in your favor. Side sleepers will sleep the most comfortable with a medium to medium firm mattress. Some side sleepers even prefer plush or soft mattresses. The pressure buildup with your SI joint and hip will become even more annoying over time if you aren’t sleeping on the best surface for your sleep style. As a side sleeper with lower back pain from time to time, we compiled a guide below for you to use to help with the buying process.
If you sleep on your side and have lower back pain, you can alleviate your pain by getting a new mattress with proper support and firmness. A medium mattress firmness is most preferred by those who sleep the majority of the time on their side. Several mattresses on here are the best mattress for side sleepers with lower back pain. Adding a pillow in between your knees will add another layer of pressure relief for those who have moderate to severe lower back pain. Side sleepers that have other recommendations for mattresses that help alleviate back pain, leave us a comment about what works for you.